Minggu, 28 Februari 2010


Strategy Neobux

Suatu hal yang sangat menggembirakan melihat antusiasme para Newbie (pendatang/member baru) Neobux,yang begitu besar keinginannya utk mengetahui segalanya tentang Neobux, ini merupakan fenomena mengagumkan bagi saya pribadi dikarenakan forum indonesia menjadi hangat dan ramai,terlebih kepada para Newbie yg ikut membantu kawan2nya yg lain.

Tapi ada satu sisi dimana kepedulian saling berbagi ini tidak dimanfaatkan secara maksimal oleh Newbie sendiri, dikarenakan pertanyaan yg diajukan seakan berulang menimbulkan rasa kasihan penulis kepada para senior yg selalu sigap memberikan bantuan jawaban dr pertanyaan2 para Newbie.

Tapi jangan berkecil hati dimohon kepada Para Senior utk dapat bersabar menghadapinya, dan utk Newbie thread ini saya hadirkan utk kepentingan anda sebelum mengajukan kepada para Senior, diharapkan bilamana nantinya pertanyaan anda tidak terdapat dalam kamus kecil ini barulah rekan2 dapat mengajukan pertanyaan2 yg tdk terdapat dalam kamus kecil ini, OK

Present For Newbie

*Tugas Utama setiap member adalah klik iklan di Neobux

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size.

Standard disediakan 4 ads
Golden disediakan 9 ads
Ultimate disediakan 12 ads

Standard dan Golden nilai 1 klik iklan $0.01
Ultimate nilai 1 klik iklan $0.02

diluar itu semua, iklan bisa didapatkan dengan cara anda sering refresh atau baca thread2 di forum dan juga ngubek2 situs neobux ini, and sebagai hadiah biasanya "TING" akan nampak bulatan merah,kuning sebagai ads tambahan yg nilainya :

mini ads = $0.005 (ini yg paling sering keluar)
Standard ads = $0.01
Extended ads = $0.15 utk standard dan $0.20 utk Golden above
(semua iklan telah tersedia di neobux segeralah miliki kaset dan CD nya...lho koq? intermezzo ah cape brow terusin ya)

Contoh Extended ads Neobux yg bernilai $0.015 utk Standard Members dan $0.020 utk Golden Members
This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size.

Standard Member = registrasi free

1. Masuk forum n bisa tulis di forum setelah 30 klik ads (iklan)di neobux
2. Dapat menyewa refferal setelah klik 10 ads dalam 5 hari (atur sendiri bebas)

apa itu refferal? = "tentara bayaran" berfungsi seperti downline kita yg bisa kita sewa dr neobux utk memperbesar pendapatan $$$ kita di neobux.

ada 2 jenis refferal :
a. Rent Refferal (bisa disewa dr neobux)
b. Direct Refferal (gratis! tp nyari sendiri yak , termasuk langka dan harus dilindungi dari kepunahan makanya kalo udah punya jaga jangan ampe kabur) saking langkanya neobux aja mau beli tapi dengan jenis yg berkualitas, bukan yang malas, asal2an apalagi berkutu =berkunjung sekali terus tutup sambil menggerutu gak nerusin lagi xixixixi...)

batas maximum reff yg bisa disewa standard member adalah 300 refferal.
Untuk direct reff max sama lah kayanya ntar nanya om psugi sama mas Nanda dulu (krn beliau2 specialist direct refferal )

harga sewa reff di standard adalah $0.25/reff per bulan

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the image in full size.

Cara rent Refferal :
a. klik nama kamu di bagian atas situs neo maka kamu akan ngelihat tombol refferal, klik aja jgn takut, belum bayar koq, pilih paket yg kamu inginkan sesuai dengan kemampuan keuanganmu kalau belum tersedia uangnya bisa klik tulisan "add funds" bisa kamu tambahin dari main balance,paypal,alertpay,or neteller) yg penting udah verified
Untuk standard member bebas kapan aja anda bisa sewa refferal

Adds Funds = Tambah Dana

anda bisa menambahkan dana ke Renting Balance (penyimpanan dana utk sewa reff, recycle,renew) dari main balance (pendapatan utama anda yg selalu tampil dollarnya di kolom atas), paypal, Alertpay, Netteller
caranya? klik nama anda klik reff atau masuk ke account summary klik renting balance, klik add funds pilih salah satu sumber dana yg akan anda tarik, lalu mainkan anak panah utk jumlah yg diinginkan, setelah itu klik banner/gambar sumber dana tersebut,berikutnya ikuti instruksi dari masing2 sumber dana tsb apakah paypal,alertpay atau netteller. kalo main balance sih langsung ketika jumlah sudah ditentukan anda klik ok aja tuh dana akan masuk renting balance dan mengurangi main balance. (thanx bro Titaners yg sudah bikin repot saya hehehe PEACE )

Golden Member
1. Biaya Upgrade Golden Member adalah $90 utk satu tahun
2. Maximum sewa rent Reff 2000 refferal
3. Nilai klik ads reff 0.01/klik
4. Harga sewa reff sampe 500 reff adalah $0.21/reff
501 - 750 reff adalah $0.22/reff
750 - 1000 reff adalah $0.23/reff

Autopay = pembayaran / penggajian refferal yg kita sewa secara otomatis setelah kita mengaktifkan di kolom table reff dengan ciri atau indikator tulisan "autopay is Enabled" dengan nilai harga $0.0075/reff tiap hari langsung dipotong dari main balance kita. Dan jangan lupa tentang batas/limit autopay on > 20 hari maksudnya kalo anda sewa reff terus mau di on kan autopaynya umur dr reff tsb harus masih dalam waktu penyewaan lebih dari 20 hr jadi kalo diaktifkan usia penyewaan reff nya sudah berjalan misal 11 hr jadi sisa 19 hari lagi, pengaktifan autopay anda akan sia-sia (ndak bisa dilakukan)(special thanx my senior Mynameishamski atas koreksinya)

autopay ini akan menambah masa/waktu reff kita 1 hari secara otomatis bila reff tersebut klik iklan walaupun klik 1 ads.

contoh :
anda sewa reff pertama kali 100 reff/pack neobux akan memberikan penyewaan utk 100 reff tsb waktunya 30 hari dengan nilai $25 defaultnya utk autopay pertama adalah enabled jd anda akan terus memiliki waktu 30 hr utk reff anda + 1 hr kecuali didalam perjalanan ada reff yg gak klik iklan atau kliknya bolong2, tp anda akan dipotong tiap hari $0.0075/reff secara otomatis oleh neobux.

autorecycle = reff yg tdk klik ads sama sekali atau 0 klik selama 14 hr dr masa penyewaan akan diganti oleh neobux secara otomatis (jadi jangan panik, don't panic babe )

Gembok = berfungsi utk mengunci reff anda agar tidak kena penggusuran atau autorecycle.

Flag = bendera utk menandai keaktifan dari reff anda, sama kaya lampu lalu lintas
merah = berhenti menyewa (kalo dia g aktif lama misal 3,4,5 apalagi 7,8,9 itu mah harus merah darah campur merah ferrari hehehe)
orange=hampir menuju kevakuman sebelum merah (atur aja sendiri kriterianya)
kuning=sama tandai aja tp gak terlalu parah misal baru 2 hr g klik/ kliknya bolong2
Hijau=Jalan terus! (apanya?) penyewaannya donx brow

Recycle = mengganti reff kita yg malas atau tidak klik ads dengan yg masih seger burger dengan biaya $0.07/reff
kapan gantinya? terserah anda biasanya bila reff tsb sudah gak klik ads selama 5 hr atau lebih (gimana anda aja ya strateginya, bisa dibaca di thread yg lain tentang strategi masing2 member)

Caranya? klik kotak kecil di tabel reff sebelah kanan, lalu akan keluar tanda centang, pilih berapa banyak yk akan di recycle, lebih gampangnya tandai dengan bendera (flag)td ya. terus lari kebagian paling bawah, klik kotak paling bawah anak panahnya sampe keluar tulisan pilihan mau perpanjang atau recycle, pilih yg recycle nanti akan keluar harganya, kalo tulisan harganya yg keluar hitam anda tinggal ok maka reff yg telah anda pilih akan diganti secara cepat oleh neobux.

Renew = Perpanjang masa penyewaan refferal
ada 3 pilihan :

30 hr
60 hr (discount 10%)
90 hr (discount 20%)

caranya? sama seperti kita mau recycle td
Kapan? kapan kita mau asal ada dananya
Kalo gak diperpanjang? gpp tp kena denda utk standard member senilai $0.02/reff

(special thanx bro Titaners atas masukan AVGnya)
AVG Refferal = Average (rata2 klik refferal)
adalah indikator dari keaktifan/produktivitas refferall yg kita punya baik Direct Refferal terlebih Rent Refferal yg dimana mendapatkan mereka harus mengeluarkan dana dari kita.
Rumus AVG kalo tanpa "monyet" = Jumlah klik reff/jumlah hr reff

Untuk Standard member cukup AVG di 1.68 / hari untuk titik ROI (Return of Investment)or BEP (Break Event Point) susah amat nih bahasa hehehe singkatnya balik modal.

Kue Pukis Untuk PKM ku

Lembut, wangi, gurih dan lezat, demikian kata-kata yang tepat untuk mengungkapkan cita rasa kue mungil ini. Bahanya relatif murah dan mudah didapat, Anda ingin mencobanya? Resep berikut bisa menjadi panduan Anda turun ke dapur. Selamat Mencoba. 

Tepung terigu protein sedang/cap segitiga biru 200 g
Telur ayam 4 butir
Gula pasir 125 g
Santan dari ½ butir kelapa 200 ml
Ragi instan/instan yeast 10 g
Margarin, lelehkan 40 g
Vanili bubuk/vanili pasta ¼ sdt
Garam halus ½ sdt

Cara Membuat:
1. Kocok telur, gula dan garam hingga mengembang kaku. Tambahkan tepung terigu, ragi instan, margarin dan vanili, aduk rata.

2. Masukkan santan sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk hingga terbentuk adonan yang licin. Diamkan adonan selama 60 menit atau hingga adonan mengembang dan berbuih.

3. Panaskan cetakan pukis yang sudah dioles dengan sedikit margarin. Tuangkan adonan, panggang dengan api sedang hingga matang dan berwarna kuning kecokelatan. Angkat, dinginkan.

4. Atur di dalam piring saji, hidangkan.

Untuk ± 20 buah

Tip: Untuk variasi isi, sebelum permukaan kue mengering, taburi meises, parutan keju, kismis atau cincangan kacang tanah sangrai. Adonan juga bisa ditambahkan dengan 1 sdt pasta cokelat dan 1 sdm cokelat bubuk untuk mendapatkan kue pukis berwarna cokelat.

Daun Kelor - Ratunya Vitamin A

Setelah Anda membaca artikel ini, sepertinya Anda harus berfikir ulang meminum supplement vitamin A untuk menjaga kesehatan mata. Daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) ternyata sangat kaya akan kandungan vitamin A.

Sepintas daun kelor mirip dengan daun katuk, bentuknya bulat dan berwarna hijau. Tanaman kelor merupakan pohon berkayu yang tingginya bisa mencapai 6 meter. Biji tanaman yang sudah tua bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai penjernih air sumur yang keruh. Sedangkan daunnya enak dimakan menjadi beragam masakan.

Keunggulan daun kelor terletak pada kandungan nutrisinya, terutama golongan mineral dan vitamin. Setiap 100 g daun kelor mengandung 3390 SI vitamin A. Dua kali lebih tinggi dari bayam dan tigapuluh kali lebih tinggi dari buncis. Daun kelor juga tinggi kalsium, sekitar 440 mg/100 g, serta fosfor 70 mg/100 g. Aroma daun kelor agak langu, namun aroma berkurang ketika daun mudanya diolah menjadi sayur bening atau sayur bobor.

Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

flasdisk sebagai penambah ram game

langkah-langkahnya adalah:

1. Download dulu dari situsnya.(http://www.eboostr.com/download/)

2. Install eBoster

(Prosesnya sama dengan waktu menginstall aplikasi lain)

3. Restart komputer.

4. Jalankan eBoster

5. Ketika ada peringatan “You are running eBoostr for the first time” klik “Yes”

6. Selanjutnya pilih drive flashdisk yang akan digunakan sebagai penambah RAM
7. Atur nilai space yang ingin digunakan untuk penambah RAM.
8. Klik OK
9. Restart komputer

Flashdisk yang telah kita gunakan sebagai penambah RAM masih tetap berfungsi normal (masih bisa dipakai) sebagai media penyimpanan data.

money game

Tahukah anda Money Game?
Ada banyak sekali money game yang menawarkan keunggulan masing2 betnya, bahkan ada yang sampe win 500%, apa gak rugi ya? Jawabannya TIDAK. Mereka mencurangi kita dalam berbagai hal. CONTOH: Anda pertama kali bet $1 dan hasilnya MENANG , Tapi bet yang kedua dan seterusnya anda 80% KALAH. Kenapa? BEGITULAH manusia,pingin dapet duit dari internet tapi dengan menipu. Nah… untuk mensiasati penipuan dari para Webmaster LibertyReserve Game, saya punya TRIK JITU bikin LibertyReserve Game Bangkrut. ( Tapi saya gak bertanggung jawab yach…) Mengapa saya anjurkan LibertyReserve game?
Sebab di LibertyReserve game Anda tidak akan menunggu janji-janji kosong akan profit yang melimpah.
Di LibertyReserve game bila Anda menang, profit langsung ditangan dalam hitungan detik! Langsung masuk ke rekening LibertyReserve, langsung bisa dinikmati hasilnya! Mengapa harus LibertyReserve Game? Kenapa tidak HYIP?
Perlu Anda ketahui bahwa 99% HYIP adalah SCAM (penipuan) berkedok investasi. Dan setelah uang investor terkumpul banyak, dia lari dengan tertawa lebar sambil menikmati uang para korbannya.
Bunga yang ditawarkan sangat bervariasi, dan tentunya sangat menggiurkan! Jangan terpancing!
Bisa saya pastikan Anda tidak akan mendapatkan profit seperti yang dijanjikan, malah akan kehilangan uang investasi Anda! Stay away from HYIP SCAMMER! Untuk mengikuti program MONEY GAME pada website ini, anda membutuhkan LibertyReserve sebagai alat pembayaran anda. Tanpa LibertyReserve anda tidak dapat mengikuti program ini. Apa itu LibertyReserve ?? LibertyReserve, Ltd adalah suatu perusahaan finansial ternama di dunia yang berpusat di Amerika, yang mengkhususkan dirinya pada transaksi internet. Bisa dikatakan bahwa secara de-facto LibertyReserve adalah mata uang internet. Transaksi dengan menggunakan kartu kredit sangat rawan terhadap pembobolan kartu kredit. Karena itu, LibertyReserve menawarkan solusi pembayaran di internet yang relatif lebih aman.Cara kerja LibertyReserve persis seperti bank – bank tradisional pada umumnya. LibertyReserve menerima deposit dari para nasabahnya, dimana nasabahnya dapat bertransaksi transfer keluar ataupun masuk melalui LibertyReserve. Persis seperti bank tradisional pada umumnya. Lalu bagaimana cara mendapatkan account LibertyReserve ??? Mudah sekali, cukup hanya dengan mengisikan aplikasi pendaftaran secara gratis pada website LibertyReserve, anda sudah dapat mendapatkan account LibertyReserve secara gratis.
Account LibertyReserve anda baru berguna apabila anda memiliki uang di dalamnya. Sama seperti account anda di bank tradisional. Apabila tidak memiliki dana, jangan harap dapat transfer ke luar, walaupun hanya $0,1. Untuk membeli LibertyReserve anda dapat mengunjungi www.bisnisheru.com
Ingat hanya Disini situsnya, Saya udah nyobain banyaaaak sekali situs money game, tapi hasilnya saya malah habis $230 lebih termakan oleh situs mereka. Bukannya menang tapi habis kepotong FEE. Coba aja Sendiri kalo gak percaya, anda bet di game lain, misal $0.05, meskipun menang dollar di LR anda bukan nambah tapi malah berkurang, ya apa enggak? Karena kepotong fee.
OKE Kalau udah gak sabar, berikut triknya: Anda berkasempatan main disitus ini cuma sekali.Ya sekali dalam sehari. Tapi gak papa bisa disiasati dengan pindah komputer.Karena Situs ini mendeteksi IP anda. Jika anda main lebih dari satu kali dalam satu IP, maka bet anda pasti akan kalah. Berikut pengalaman main saya dalam satu komputer (di warnet) 1. Buat account LibertyReserve.
2. Isi account LibertyReserve Anda dengan dollar, caranya bisa beli di goldmediator.com, paling tidak $10 untuk jaga-jaga kalo kalah.
3. Gunakan sebagian uang untuk bermain di website LibertyReserve game yang ini:
www.bettergold4you.com << daftar disini
Bet pertama:
a. Pilih gambar head atau tail (klik pada bulatan dibawah gambar coin). Untuk bet / taruhan pertama dan kedua bebas memilih head atau tail.
b. Untuk pertama kali bet, gunakan pilihan amount yang terkecil yaitu $1, karena dapat dipastikan kalah. Kenapa pasti kalah? Saya tidak tau apa sebabnya soalnya tiap kali saya nyoba pasti kalah.
c. Klik play Now, lalu kamu akan dialihkan ke halaman pembayaran menggunakan LibertyReserve
d. Masukkan nomor LibertyReserve kamu, passwordnya dan turing number. Lalu klik tombol dibawahnya dan ikuti petunjuk berikutnya. Setelah pembayaran selesai, kamu akan dialihkan ke halaman result, disini kamu bisa tau menang apa kalah.
Bet kedua:
Ulangi langkah-langkah diatas, pilih head atau tail terserah, isi amount bet terkecil juga yaitu $1. Pada bet kedua ini dimungkinkan kalah lagi. Kenapa? Saya tidak tau pasti, soalnya saya bet kalah terus.
Bet ketiga:
a. Ulangi langkah diatas, tapi ganti pilihan betnya, jika pada bet pertama dan kedua bebas pilih apa, nah…yang ketiga harus pilih “HEAD”! Kenapa harus head? Ya! yang pasti head 99,99% bakal menang, saya nyoba pilih tail kalah terus.
b. Pilih amount bet semampunya dan sebanyak-banyaknya. Tapi saya sarankan jangan lebih dari $20.
c. Klik play now, bayar dengan LibertyReserve, kemenangan akan ditransfer ke rekening LibertyReserve kita kurang dari 5 detik otomatis.
Bet keempat:
Jangan teruskan sampai bet keempat, karena 99,99% akan kalah!
Jangan serakah! jika sudah menang di bet ketiga jangan bermain lagi. Segera tutup windows dan tinggalkan permainan. Kamu bisa gunakan uangnya lagi untuk bermain besok atau nanti dengan komputer berbeda.
Jika kamu pakai speedy dynamic IP, itu lebih bagus karena IP komputer kamu bisa berubah-ubah setiap komputer direstart.
Bisa juga pakai PROXY, jadi IP komputer bisa berubah setiap ganti proxy. Cari proxy di samair.ru dan setting di browser kamu.
Coba bayangkan misal pada bet ketiga anda bet $10 X 500% = $50 ( yach..paling kena fee $0.3-$0.5)Uang akan ditransfer ke LibertyReserve anda kurang dari 5 detik. Kalau anda sehari bet 10X dalam komputer atau IP yang berbeda? Bisa anda hitung sendiri : Saya yakin Anda sudah bosan dengan itung-itungan seperti ini ) Lihat dengan teliti historypermainan saya:
(Hanya history MASUK saja)
LibertyReserve History PALING BARU 25 Mei 2009 lr-history3
kalau sudah menang, bisa dijual ke www.bisnisheru.com

Kamis, 18 Februari 2010


Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is normally caused by asbestos exposure. Mesothelioma is cancer that occurs in the mesothelium.

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer affecting the cells of mesothelial lining in the chest and abdomen. Mesothelioma cancer can develop in the tissues covering the lungs or the abdomen. Mesothelioma has also been found in the stomach and other abdominal organs but it is much rarer in those areas than are both pleural mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma. Mesothelioma can also occur in the ovaries and scrotum. Mesothelioma invades the chest wall or the esophagus during the second stage.Mesothelioma also takes a long time to develop (typically 15-40 years), so patients today could have been exposed prior to the 1980s when asbestos was not highly regulated. Mesothelioma is not caused by smoking, as lung cancer so often is.

Symptoms One of the most common symptoms of mesothelioma is an accumulation of fluid between the lining of the lung and the chest cavity. Symptoms include:abdominal painascites, or an abnormal buildup of fluid in the abdomen a mass in the abdomen problems with bowel function weight loss. Symptoms such as trouble swallowing, pain, or swelling of the neck and face can be indications that the cancer has spread beyond the mesotheliom to other parts of the body. Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma include persistent pain in the chest and severe difficulty breathing caused by pleural effusion, or an accumulation of fluid in the pleural lining Cough, weight loss, and fever are also common symptoms. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include weight loss and abdominal pain and swelling due to a buildup of fluid in the abdomen. Symptoms of mesothelioma may not appear until 20 to 50 years after exposure to asbestos.

The key to long-term survival from treatment of mesothelioma is early diagnosis, which enables the greatest potential for success from standard therapies. Diagnosis begins with a review of the patient's medical history, including any history of asbestos exposure. Diagnosis of Mesothelioma is based on a pathological exam, more commonly referred to as a biopsy.Since this disease can be hard to diagnosis and costly to treat, it may require the consultation of an experienced attorney. When conclusive diagnosis cannot be made from fluid samples, diagnosis is often made through a surgical procedure called a throrascopy.The average age at diagnosis of mesothelioma is between 50 and 70 years old, with men being affected three to five times more often than women. The diagnosis may be suspected with chest X-ray and CT scan, and is confirmed with a biopsy (tissue sample) and microscopic examination. The median survival time is 17 months, with ten percent of patients living for three years after diagnosis.

Mesothelioma is a deadly cancer which is fairly rare although in the last few decades the number of people who have died from it have dramatically increased. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer, but the deadliest one of all. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer and only affects between 2,000 and 3,000 people in the United States per year. Mesothelioma is less common in African Americans than in white Americans. Mesothelioma is rare in people under age 55. National Cancer Institute stats show that 3000 new diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma is reported each year. Mesothelioma is not always fatal and that is the hope to hold on to.

Rabu, 17 Februari 2010

Google Crome

cara, update, google, google chrome, tutorial Berikut akan saya jelaskan bagaimana cara update Google Chrome, menu update google chrome berbeda dengan browser lainnya, berikut cara melakukan update Google Chrome:

1. Buka browser Google Chrome

2. Pada sebelah kanan atas jendela klik icon kunci yang berada dibawah tombol close. Tombol ini merupakan tombol menu Google Chrome. Klik icon tersebut

3. Kemudian akan muncul submenu. Klik menu About Google Chrome( tentang google chrome) pada submenu tersebut.

Menu About Google Chrome
4. Pada jendela About, coba perhatikan dibagian bawah jendela, disebelah kiri tombol OK. Disana Anda akan melihat sebuah tulisan "A new version of Google Chrome is available". Tulisan ini terlihat jika update terbaru Google Chrome memang tersedia.

5. Jika tulisan itu muncul, disebelahnya bisa Anda lihat ada sebuah tombol "Update Now". Klik tombol tersebut untuk melakukan update Google Chrome.

6. Proses update Chrome akan segera mulai. Tunggu hingga proses selesai.

7. Jika proses update Google Chrome telah selesai, maka Anda akan muncul sebuah dialog yang memberitahu jika proses update Google Chrome telah selesai. Klik tombol OK dan restart Google Chrome.

Setalah Google Chrome kembali terbuka, klik menu About lagi. Hal ini bertujuan untuk memastikan apakah versi Google Chrome Anda telah terupdate. Jika ya maka Anda akan melihat tulisan "Google Chrome is up to date (xxx)". Dimana xxx adalah versi terbaru dari Google Chrome. Contohnya pada gambar di bawah.

Update Google Chrome berhasil

metode pivot calculator

Salah satu cara mudah melakukan prediksi dan trading adalah dengan menggunakan metode "Pivot Calculator".
Yaitu dengan menghitung titik tengah, titik atas dan titik bawah pergerakan market dari pergerakan yang terjadi pada hari kemarin/sehari sebelumnya.

lihat grafik di streamster dan klik kanan pada grafik, pilih "Style" nya yang "Candlestick" , klik kanan lagi di grafik dan pilih "Timescale" nya yang "Daily". lalu letakkan kursor anda pada candlestick kemarin (Candle sebelum saat ini atau yang kedua dari kanan). maka akan muncul data: date/tgl, nilai open =..., High=......, low=....., Close=...... dan Volume.
Masukan data high, low dan close pada kotak pivot calkulator di bawah ini:






Resistance 3

Resistance 2

Resistance 1

Pivot Result

Support 1

Support 2

Support 3

Atau gunakan Rumus di bawah ini:

Pivot = ( H + C + L ) / 3

Res1= 2 * P - L normal trading range
Sup1= 2 * P - H for the next period
Res2= P + (Res1-Sup1) extreme trading range
Sup2= P - (Res1-Sup1)
Res3= H + 2*(P-L) super extreme trading range
Sup3= L � 2*(H-P)
P = Pivot , Res = Resistance , Sup = Support .
H = High of the day
L = Low
C = Closed price

Maka akan muncul nilai : Pivot :: Res1, Rest2, Rest3 :: Sup1, Sup2, Sup3.

Anda bisa memakai teknic resistant-pivot-support ini untuk trading:
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• Untuk memulai Trading sebaiknya anda menghitung dan Mencatat titik-titik Res-Pivot-support hari ini, agar anda bisa memperkirakan kemungkinan pergerakan market yang terjadi dan titik-titik batas tersebut.

• Jika market di buka dengan nilai "close" hari sebelumnya diatas pivot dan arah pergerakan terlihat ke atas maka kemungkinan akan berusaha mencapai titik Resistant1, Jika bisa menembus Res1 maka kemungkinan akan terus naik dan mencoba Res 2 (Kondisi seperti ini cocok untuk order Buy), Tapi jika tidak bisa menembus Res1 maka kemungkinan akan turun kembali dan mencoba menembus pivot, jika bisa menembus pivot maka kemungkinan akan turun lagi menuju support1. Bisa juga sebaliknya dengan mencoba turun mengetes pivot dulu, kalau tembus bisa turun ke sup1, tapi kalau tak bisa menembus akan kembali naik mencoba test Res1 nya. Kondisi ini bisa diterapkan untuk trading misalnya:

• :::> Order "Buy Stop" pada posisi 5-10 pips di atas titik Rest1 dengan Stop loss sekitar 10 pips di bawah Res1 dan Target profit 5-10 pips di bawah Res2 atau Target 20-50 pips.. dengan pertimbangan jika harga menembus Res1 akan mencoba menembus Res2.

• :::> Order "Sell Limit" pada posisi 5-10 pips di bawah Res1 dengan Stop Loss:5-10 pips diatas Rest1 dan Target 5-10 pips diatas Pivot atau bisa 20-50 pips . dengan pertimbangan harga tidak bisa menembus Res1 dan kembali berbalik menuju Pivot.

• :::> Order "Sell Stop" 5-10 pips di bawah Pivot dengan pertimbangan harga menembus pivot dan akan berusaha menuju support1.

• Jika anda melihat harga di bawah pivot dan terlihat cenderung turun maka biasanya akan berusaha menembus Sup1, Jika bisa tembus maka kemungkinan akan terus berusaha menembus Res2 ( Cocok untuk Sell) tapi jika tidak bisa tembus maka kemungkinan akan naik kembali dan mencoba menembus Pivot, Jika menembus maka kemungkinan akan mencoba menuju Rest1. atau sebaliknya Naik dulu mencoba tembus pivot, jika tembus terus naik atau jika tidak akan mencoba test sup1 nya. Untuk posisi seperti ini bisa diterapkan order:::> Sell Stop 5-10 pips di bawah Sup1 dengan pertimbangan jika menembus Sup1 akan menuju Sup2::> Buy Limit 5-10 pips diatas Sup1 dengan pertimbangan jika tidak bisa menembus Sup1 akan kembali menuju Pivot ::> Buy Stop 5-10 pips diatas Pivot dengan pertimbangan jika menembus pivot akan mencoba ke Res1. (Catatan: Stop los dan Target sama dg diatas)

Dengan mengetahui titik-titik sup-pivot-res ini maka anda akan lebih mudah membuat perencanaan dalam melakukan trading. Silahkan anda pelajari dan latihan terlebih dahulu
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yaitu, IndoCracker.wetpaint.com

Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

Legacy and historiography

Juba likely influenced the development of modern dance forms, such as step dancing.

The terms juba dancer and juba dancing became common in variety theaters after Master Juba popularized them. Actors, minstrels, and British clowns inspired by Juba and other minstrels adopted blackface and performed dances similar to Juba's as a stage character called the "Gay Negro Boy". The character spread to France (from 1860) and Belgium (from 1865) when British circuses toured there. Elements of these dances were still found among British whiteface clowns as late as the 1940s.[49][79] Juba's rave reception in Manchester may have presaged that city's later status as the center of dance in the United Kingdom.[80] Less happily, Juba reinforced the racist caricature of the naturally musical black among white audiences.[81]

While the name Juba passed into dance history, for many decades the man himself did not. For over 90 years after his death, Juba was largely forgotten by dancers and historians, appearing only in brief, racist passages in sources such as histories of minstrelsy.[82] Stephen Johnson has postulated that this indicates that either white entertainers and historians consciously downplayed Juba's significance, or that Juba was simply not that influential.[3] Even black historians ignored Juba until the mid-20th century, preferring to focus on Juba's older and more obviously respectable contemporary Ira Aldridge, an African American actor who became a leading light of the European stage.[7][83]

In 1947, dance and popular culture historian Marian Hannah Winter began the resurrection of Juba's reputation with her article "Juba and American Minstrelsy". Juba, according to Winter, surmounted the hurdles of race and class to succeed as a professional dancer. Winter was the first to write of Juba as a man who introduced elements of African dance to the Western lexicon and thus fostered the creation of a distinct American dance idiom. In so doing, Juba, according to Winter, reclaimed for African Americans elements that had been stolen in the racist culture of 19th-century America and, in the process, invented tap dancing.[47] In short, Winter "made [Juba] significant".[3]

When Winter wrote her article, there was little scholarship in African American studies, dance history, or minstrelsy studies. Winter based her article on, at most, six sources. Nonetheless, later writers have largely accepted and echoed her thesis.[3] As recently as 1997, musicologist Dale Cockrell wrote that "[t]he best treatment of Juba, though it is shot through with errors, is still Winter 1948".[35] Winter's view that Juba was the "most influential single performer of nineteenth-century American dance"[83] is now the consensus. His career shows that black and white people actually did collaborate to an extent in blackface minstrelsy.[31]

Scholars in recent decades have repeatedly pointed to Juba as the progenitor of tap dancing and, by extension, step dancing.[70][84] Winter wrote that "[t]he repertoire of any current tap-dancer contains elements which were established theatrically by him".[83] Dancer Mark Knowles has echoed this assertion, calling Juba "America's first real tap dancer".[85] Music historian Eileen Southern calls him the "principal black professional minstrel of the antebellum period (and) a link between the white world and authentic black source material".[86] Scholars point to Juba as the first African American to insert aspects of authentic black culture into American dance and theater.[87] In so doing, Juba ensured that blackface dance was more authentically African than the other elements of the minstrel show.[79] Wallace has gone so far as to call Juba "the pater alios of black masculine dance history, and the 'initiator and determinant of the form itself,' a form which lends visible expression to the difficult dialectics of black masculinity".[57] Johnson, however, has cautioned against this interpretation. His reading of the primary sources sees more evidence of eccentricity in Juba's dance than of a proto-tap or -jazz.[3]
Early life and career

In 1842, Charles Dickens watched a spirited dancer in New York City and wrote about him in his American Notes, published the same year. This engraving was an illustration from that book. Later writers identified the youth as Juba.

Little is known about Juba's life.[2] Scant details appear in primary sources, and secondary sources—most dating to years after his death—are of dubious validity.[3] Dance historian Marian Hannah Winter proposed that Juba was born to free parents in 1825 or later.[4] Showman Michael B. Leavitt wrote in 1912 that Juba came from Providence, Rhode Island,[5] and theater historian T. Allston Brown gives his real name as William Henry Lane.[6] According to an August 11, 1895, item in the New York Herald, Juba lived in New York's Five Points District.[3] This was a slum where Irish immigrants and free black people lived amidst brothels, dance houses, and saloons where black people regularly danced.[7] The Irish and black populations intermingled and borrowed elements of folk culture from each other. One area of exchange was dance, and the Irish jig blended with black folk steps.[8] In this environment, Juba learned to dance from his peers,[3] including "Uncle" Jim Lowe, a black jig and reel dancer who performed in low-brow establishments.[4] Juba was dancing for food and tossed coins by the early 1840s.[9][10][11] Winter speculated that by about age 15, Juba had no family.[4]

Primary sources show that Juba performed in dance competitions, minstrel shows, and variety theaters in the Northeastern United States beginning in the mid-1840s.[3] The stage name Juba probably derives from the juba dance, itself named for the central or west African term giouba.[12][13] "Jube" and "Juba" were common names for slaves in this period, especially those rumored to have dancing or musical talent.[12] Documentation is confusing, as there were at least two black dancers using the name Juba at this time.[14] For example, in 1840 a man named Lewis Davis was using the name "Master Juber" and making his living "travelling through the states, dancing negro extravaganzas, breakdowns, &c".[15] He was arrested for theft in New York City.[16]

An anonymous letter from 1841 or early 1842 in the tabloid newspaper the Sunday Flash states that Juba was working for showman P. T. Barnum. The writer stated that Barnum had managed the dancer since 1840, when he had disguised the boy as a white minstrel performer—by making him up in blackface—and put him on at the New York Vauxhall Gardens. In 1841, the letter alleges, Barnum went so far as to present his charge as the Irish-American performer John Diamond, the most celebrated dancer of the day. The letter further accuses Barnum of entering Juba-as-Diamond in rigged dance competitions against other performers:

The boy is fifteen or sixteen years of age; his name is "Juba;" and to do him justice, he is a very fair dancer. He is of harmless and inoffensive disposition, and is not, I sincerely believe, aware of the meanness and audacity of the swindler to which he is presently a party. As to the wagers which the bills daily blazon forth, they are like the rest of his business—all a cheat. Not one dollar is ever bet or staked, and the pretended judges who aid in the farce, are mere blowers.[17]

Writer Thomas Low Nichols supported parts of the story in an 1864 book of social history. He states that in 1841 Diamond quit his work as a dancer in the employ of Barnum and was replaced by "a genuine negro",[18] whom Barnum billed as "the champion nigger-dancer of the world".[18] The black dancer would have debuted in the spring of 1841.[19] Nichols never identified the dancer as Juba, but later writers concluded that the boy was that performer.[20] Historian Eric Lott has identified the irony of this arrangement: a black man imitating a white man imitating a black man.[21]

Beginning in the early 1840s, Juba began a series of dance competitions known as challenge dances. He faced white rival John Diamond, who advertised that he "delineate[d] the Ethiopian character superior to any other white person".[22] Sources disagree about the date of their first contest; it may have occurred while Diamond was still working for Barnum or a year or two later.[23] This advertisement from the July 8, 1844, New York Herald is typical of the publicity the matches generated:


Between the two most renowned dancers in the world, the Original JOHN DIAMOND and the colored boy JUBA, for a Wager of $200, on MONDAY EVENING July 8th at the BOWERY AMPHITHEATRE, which building has been expressly hired from the Proprietor, Mr. Smith, for this night only, as its accommodations will afford all a fair view of each step of these wonderful Dancers. The fame of these two Celebrated Breakdown Dancers has already spread over the Union, and the numerous friends of each claim the Championship for their favorite, and who have anxiously wished for a Public Trial between them and thus known which is to bear the Title of the Champion Dancer of the World. The time to decide that has come, as the friends of Juba have challenged the world to produce his superior in the art for $100. That Challenge has been accepted by the friends of Diamond, and on Monday Evening they meet and Dance three Jigs, Two Reels, and the Camptown Hornpipe. Five Judges have been selected for their ability and knowledge of the Art, so that a fair decision will be made.

Rule—Each Dancer will select his own Violin and the victory will be decided by the best time and the greatest number of steps.[24]

Historian James W. Cook has suggested that Juba and Diamond may have staged their first competition as a form of mutual publicity. Claims of black superiority over an acclaimed white rival were otherwise unheard of in the climate of racial segregation and white supremacy that permeated New York City and the country at large in the mid-1840s.[25]

Challenge dances usually employed three judges. One sat on the stage and counted time, another sat in or near the orchestra pit and judged style, and the third went under the stage and observed the dancer's execution to listen for "missing taps, defective rolls and heel work, the lagging in the breaks".[26] After the dance, they compared notes and chose the winner. Audience members and friends of the competitors bet on the outcome[27] and could name the victor by popular acclaim in the case the judges could not come to a decision.[28] According to an undated reference by Leavitt, Juba lost one challenge, at the Boylston Gardens in Boston, but records show that he beat Diamond in all other competitions.[29][30][31] An undated clipping from the Harvard Theatre Collection, written by a fan of minstrelsy, describes the single dance competition that Diamond managed to win: "One of the fiddlers played a reel for him [Juba], and he shuffled, and twisted, and walked around, and danced on for one hour and fifteen minutes by the watch." Then Juba made a loud strike with his left foot as the crowd cheered and he got a drink from the bar. Diamond was next and tried to act cool but resolute. He knew that he would displease Barnum by losing and he had his race at stake: "There was another thing about this match-dance that made Diamond want to win. You see it was not only a case of Barnum's Museum against Pete Williams's dance-house, but it was a case of white against black. So Jack Diamond went at his dancin' with double energy—first, for his place, next, for his color." He beat Juba's time and "gave a hop, skip and a jump, a yell and a bow". A black man shouted out, "He's a white man, sure ... but he's got a nigger in his heel."[32] The two had their most famous matchup in New York City in 1844, where Juba beat Diamond for $500. Juba then traveled to Boston, billing himself as the "King of All the Dancers", and played for two weeks, with competitions versus Frank Diamond (no relation to John).[33]

In 1842, English writer Charles Dickens toured New York's Five Points. This was around the time of the challenge dances, and Dickens was possibly drawn by rumors of Barnum's disguising of a black youth as a white minstrel performer.[25] There the writer witnessed a performance by "a lively young negro" at the Almack's tavern and brothel.[34] The November 11, 1842, edition of the New York Herald later identified this dancer as Juba.[35] Dickens wrote in his American Notes,

The corpulent black fiddler, and his friend who plays the tambourine, stamp upon the boarding of the small raised orchestra in which they sit, and play a lively measure. Five or six couples come upon the floor, marshalled by a lively young negro, who is the wit of the assembly, and the greatest dancer known. He never leaves off making queer faces, and is the delight of all the rest, who grin from ear to ear incessantly ...

... But the dance commences. Every gentleman sets as long as he likes to the opposite lady, and the opposite lady to him, and all are so long about it that the sport begins to languish, when suddenly the lively hero dashes in to the rescue. Instantly the fiddler grins, and goes at it tooth and nail; there is new energy in the tambourine; new laughter in the dancers; new smiles in the landlady; new confidence in the landlord; new brightness in the very candles.

Single shuffle, double shuffle, cut and cross-cut; snapping his fingers, rolling his eyes, turning in his knees, presenting the backs of his legs in front, spinning about on his toes and heels like nothing but the man's fingers on the tambourine; dancing with two left legs, two right legs, two wooden legs, two wire legs, two spring legs—all sorts of legs and no legs—what is this to him? And in what walk of life, or dance of life, does man ever get such stimulating applause as thunders about him, when, having danced his partner off her feet, and himself too, he finishes by leaping gloriously on the bar-counter, and calling for something to drink, with the chuckle of a million of counterfeit Jim Crows, in one inimitable sound![36]

Juba may have capitalized on the free publicity given him by Dickens as he made the jump from the saloon to the stage.[25] An undated excerpt from the New York Herald describes Juba's appearance with a minstrel troupe at Pete Williams' dance hall on Orange Street:

... [T]hose who passed through the long hallway and entered the dance hall, after paying their shilling to the darky doorkeeper, whose "box-office" was a plain soap box, or a wooden one of that description, saw this phenomenon, "Juba," imitate all the dancers of the day and their special steps. Then Bob Ellingham, the interlocutor and master of ceremonies, would say, "Now, Master Juba, show your own jig." Whereupon he would go through all his own steps and specialties, with never a resemblance in any of them to those he had just imitated.[37]

In this performance, Juba imitated the white minstrel performers Richard Pelham, Frank Brower, John Daniels, John Smith, James Sanford, Frank Diamond, and John Diamond.[38] The idea that Juba could "imitate himself" after mimicking his rivals points up, according to Lott, "minstrelsy's fundamental consequence for black culture, the dispossession and control by whites of black forms that would not for a long time be recovered".[39] Nevertheless, Juba's imitations of his white rivals asserted his greater mastery of the styles then current in blackface dance. They also asserted that this was an artistic medium worthy of imitation. James W. Cook writes, "in a sense, the Imitation Dance served as a powerful act of defiance from someone who, more typically, would have lacked any means of broader representational control".[25]

Dancers came to recognize Juba as the best,[4] and his fame soared.[31] By 1845, he was so well-known that he no longer had to impersonate a white minstrel on stage.[39] He toured through New England with the Georgia Champion Minstrels in 1844.[28] The bill called him "The Wonder of the World Juba, Acknowledged to be the Greatest Dancer in the World. Having danced with John Diamond at the Chatham Theatre for $500, and at the Bowery Theatre for the same amount, and established himself as the King of All Dancers. No conception can be formed of the variety of beautiful and intricate steps exhibited by him with ease. You must see to believe."[40]

In 1845, Juba began touring with the Ethiopian Minstrels. The troupe gave him top billing over its four white members, unprecedented for a black performer.[4] From 1846, Juba toured with White's Serenaders, under the tutelage of Charles "Cool" White, as a dancer and tambourine player off and on until at least 1850.[41][20] He played a character named Ikey Vanjacklen, "the barber's boy"[42] in a piece called "Going for the Cup, or, Old Mrs. Williams's Dance", one of the earliest known minstrel sketches. It focused on Juba's dancing in a milieu of competition and showing off. The plot follows two characters trying to fix a dance contest by soaping the floor in a way that will make all of the competitors fall except Ikey. They bet on Vanjacklen, but in the end, the judge steals the money.[43]
[edit] European tour

Tips to XP

ni w ada tips2 untuk windows xp tanpa software apapun. lumayan buat belajaar ^^

Tips melihat file yg di hide
  1. buka cmd (caranya klik start > run > tulis cmd)
  2. lo arahin ke drive yg lo pingin liat yg di hide misalkan G: berati langsung tulis G:
  3. sesudah tulis itu tulis lagi attrib -h -a -r /s /d trus enter
  4. nah tunggu nyampe prosesnya selesai
  5. setelah selesai buka drive G: semua yg di hide dah keliatan semua
cara membuat auto shutdown
  1. klik kanan di dekstop lo
  2. ke new > shortcut
  3. tulis shutdown -s -t 03 -c "bye bye ni komputer bakalan di shutdown"
  4. next > finish
  5. lo klik aj shutdown.exe nya langsung komputer lo bakalan di shut down
info "-t 03 adalah set waktu saat mo lo shutdown bisa lo ganti jadi 60 berati 1 mnt"
info "nah yg tulisannya di biruin itu bisa lo edit"
info "-s adalah untuk shutdown bisa di ganti jd -r untuk restart "

cara mengkosongkan nama di folder
  1. lo rename folder lo
  2. trus teken alt+0160
  3. lepas dah & tekan enter
menghentikan autoshutdown yg diatas

klo lo kena autoshutdown yg diatas lo bisa matiin dengan cara di bwah ini
  1. lo buka cmd
  2. langsung tulis shutdown -a
  3. enter
  4. langsung auto shutdownnya langsung keluar
klu ada yang lain tak posting lagi

Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

Cara Menghack PTC bernama bux.to

Pada postingan kali ini saya akan menuliskan sederet cara untuk meng-klik surf ads secara otomatis tanpa anda harus takut di banned username anda, dan saya yakin 100% karena saya udah terbukti melakukannya. Tick ini bisa saya katakan sangat memuaskan dan sempurna, karena anda tidak perlu repot lagi untuk meng-klik iklan PTC dan menanti di depan komputer sampai beberapa menit, karena cara ini membuat komputer anda yang berjalan untuk meng-kliknya sendiri secara otomatis.

Langkah-langkanya sebagai berikut :

  • Tahap ini anda sudah hampir selesai, anda tinggal "login" di bux.to dan klik lagi menu surf ads, maka akan berjalan secara otomatis karena sistem yang menjalankannya.

Selamat mencoba,,dan jika cara ini anda nilai kurang jelas,,anda boleh tanyakan langsung melalui kotak komentar, dan saya akan menjelaskan lagi untuk lebih detailnya. Semangat and Keep blogging!!!